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Posted by Anonymous on Tue 3rd Mar 2015 00:59
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  4. # Set backup location here
  5. bak=$1
  6. timestamp=$(date +%F_%T%z)
  8. # Make a timestamped directory there.
  9. mkdir -v "$bak"homeprofile_backup_"$timestamp"
  11. # Make what has been bade by mkdir and put that into a variable.
  12. timedir="$bak"homeprofile_backup_"$timestamp"
  13. backr="rsync -avp --partial --progress --human-readable --relative"
  15. # For this, blaah.txt has to exist in your directory, that one is supposed to get copied over.
  16. "$backr" blaah.txt "$timedir"

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